Holy Quran guides us towards the Right Path


Women mentioned in Holy Quran

Hazrat Yusuf (A.S.) and the Wife of the Owner

The woman whose house it was solicited him (Yusuf). She barred the doors and said, ‘Come over here!’ He said, ‘Allah is my refuge! He is My lord and has been good to me with where I live. Those who do wrong will surely not succeed.’
(Holy Quran, Surah Yusuf (The Prophet Joseph), Surah # 12: Ayah # 23)

But when she (the governor's wife) heard of their malicious talk, she sent for them and made a sumptuous meal and then she gave a knife to each of them. She said (to Yusuf), ‘Go out to them.’ When they saw him, they were amazed by him and cut their hands. They said, ‘Allah preserve us! This is no man. What can this be but a noble angel here!’
(Holy Quran, Surah Yusuf (The Prophet Joseph), Surah # 12: Ayah # 31)

He said, ‘What was this past affair of yours when you solicited Yusuf?’ Then they said ‘Allah forbid! We know no bad of him.’ The governor’s wife then said, ‘The truth has now emerged. Indeed I tried to seduce him then and he has simply told the honest truth.’
(Holy Quran, Surah Yusuf (The Prophet Joseph), Surah # 12: Ayah # 51)